There's something wrong. Pressca Portable Coffee Maker was designed to be easy to handle. Check out if you are respecting the following procedures:
- Make sure you opened the lid before pressing the plunger.
- Allow some minutes after pouring water over the coffee. The grounds in suspension in the water make it hard to push the plunger. We recommend 2-4 minutes.
- If it is still hard to press, it may be coffee grounds blocking the filter. Pull the plunger slightly up and insert it again.
Repeating this will make it easier to press.
- You may also apply a slight twist in any direction while pressing the plunger.
- If it is still hard to press, try to slightly tap the coffee maker on the table. This will help settle the coffee grounds and unblock the filter, making the plunger function gently.
- Check if the plunger sealing ring is well fitted and aligned at the bottom of the plunger. Otherwise, you may have to press too hard and coffee may leak.
- Have you checked if the filter is firmly tightened on the plunger? If not, you will press too hard and may break the filter
and release the sealing ring.